New Project Leader Opportunities

This site will continue to be updated with all of our open positions. Please continue to monitor the site for new opportunities.

Head of Product (Boston, MA)

Senior Project Leader (Boston, MA)- filled

Associate Project Leader (Boston, MA)- filled

Project Leader (Boston, MA)


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FAQs for New Project Leader Roles

The application deadline for internal and impacted employees to apply to a new role is Friday, June 14 by close of day. After this date, the positions will still be open for internal applicants, but due to the speed in which we plan to fill these roles, we plan to prioritize reviewing internal applicants who apply within the 6/14 internal deadline first. 
If you have questions about any of the new roles posted, please feel free to reach out to the following individuals: your current manager, the recruiter supporting the position, the hiring manager, or Erin Pizzonia, Dir, People Strategy Leader. 

Please take time to review the roles of interest and pay close attention to the basic qualifications listed. Unfortunately, if you do not meet the basic qualifications (BQs) for the role we aren’t able to consider you for the position. Due to our VA contract our BQs are non-negotiable.   

As always, you should feel empowered to review your areas of interest with your manager and work together to update your Individual Development Plan (IDP). An entire Hub page is dedicated to employee development here.

Please note: Due to the volume of positions we are hiring for at this time, the Talent Acquisition team is not able to have a conversation with internal employees who apply to positions but do not meet the basic qualifications. 

Please apply to only one Project Leader role. If you meet the basic qualifications for multiple levels and progress through the interview process, we will assess the level best suited based on your skills and experience. Unfortunately, if you do not meet the BQs for the role, we aren’t able to consider you for the position. Due to our VA contract, our BQs are non-negotiable.  

On the Hub we have an entire page dedicated to selection and hiring at FMI. Feel free to take a look using this link.  

The Talent Acquisition team will support you throughout the entire process and we will make sure to answer any questions you have about your interviews.  

Search for externally posted roles below.